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gd 201 digital games prototype 2021
Status | Released |
Author | KevMskull12 |
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Lenses chapter 10 talks about the steps involved of gameplay with the game mechanics. The first step talks about spacing on places existing in the game and how they connect to each other with boundaries not the space within each cell. Examples of this is used in RPG'S the use spaces in 2D form. it also connects with our mind on how constructed it is. Sure it is not the best but you can connect to it. The second mechanic involved is the objects, attributes and states involved such as the characters, scoreboards, tokens, and anything else being manipulated. What I found interesting was how the book used the word "action" as the third mechanic when there is action in the game is there, it's ascendence with verbs that refer as the verbs of game mechanic. For example moving a character, character punching another character, talking and jumping and running and so on are examples of Action as a game mechanic. It describes operational: basic movement and resultant: actions to resolve the actions to complete the goal. with more verbs, more actions and goals including subjects the more the game offers to the player to spend more time on the game to do more stuff to get high rewards in the process. the fourth mechanic is rules meaning there has to be a way on what the game can let you and what the game does not allow you to do. Without rules, the player has no idea on what to do and can only just waste time figuring out what to do.the fifth mechanic is skill where the player has to build up while playing to have a better experience in the game mentally, physically and socially. Plus, the player must acquire real skills that do exist and count while virtually is really one you think you have but don't. The last mechanic being chance where the player has all the other mechanics involved and expect the unexpected. Surprises and plot twist being an example the make the games flow more compelling to get to and having the player do the best on decision making and overcoming challenges.
10-pager section->
The overview of the 10-pager sections to having good quality with the sound when it comes to hitting somebody, have satisfying movement and action when having to move a character, reactions to when getting hit or a conversation otherwise the AI would look dead on arrival and it would look more like a Ragdoll than a real cpu, a death screen or a game over with a sound effect to feel death was upon arrival and got you good, vocal cues can be added to add personality to the character or they would fell like talking to mannequins with no expression and can't socialize with you, and to have victory sound to feel you earned it by doing the objective to get though the level otherwise it would feel unearned or didn't fell as you did something and for the weapons get good sound, good visualization and great impact. This makes me want to do a first person game where your a 13 year old boy trying to find his way back back home from a forest but to also find his sister. While lurking in the forest, you start to feel and see that this is no forest but a spooky and creepy one at that. Theres going to be monsters, creepy crawlies and poltergeists involved trying to stop you and scare you from getting through the game. Thankfully, you are not alone you have a weapons and items to help you such as shotguns, pistols, rifles, medkits, apples, and candy to help you heal or combat the horror. There are secrets you discover while traversing to the forest, abandoned houses, factories and sewers. There are some people in the forest to talk to to help or get to know more about them, ask the whereabouts of your sister, or just to have a normal conversation to take a break from walking that can lead them to help you where to go or an item you need for in case of an emergency. There will also be a sane meter with you where the more excited the meter gets which turns to color red or normal is white. when the sane meter gets excited its because you'll be hearing voices in your head disturbingly scaring you due to losing your cool or feeling unease when traversing telling you to stop and head back or make you regret coming to the forest in the first place. You can fix this by getting aspirin or green medicine to make you sane again. the game is called the woods of no return.
Theory Of Fun chapters 2-3:
After reading The Theory of Fun's chapters for this week it taught a lot about how video games are connected with the real world with concepts that make you as a person who plays video games improve and take these ideas and fundamentals to have a good time. One of those concepts were in chapter 2 where it talks about how everything connects tot the brain you see and do trying to make up the process and interesting analogies around it. For example, from a guy's face to a tv screen with a game show on is a pattern that the brain that intrigues it and consumes it as data as if the brain was like paceman eating the dots while avoiding the ghosts. It is also trying to fill in the blanks, find the answers and make up the process when it chunks its data and can notice a lot more around the environment than the person itself. Another concept I found interesting is everything you do in daily routines are steps from getting up to bed to eating a sandwich at the job your working at. This is all steps leaving you to improve more on those daily routines to get it done more faster and better with planning and strategy. Similar to games, the more you practice the game's functions and skills and levels you passed to get a better rating, the more you level up and get better at the game and easier it is to get through and the more better grades your achieve with high rewards and unlocks. Chapter 3 talked about what games really were that makes it intriguing and enjoyable to play formal which were fundamental and powerful learning tools and not only being patterns but also puzzle pieces that you must first build upon to make up the patterns. The concepts behind it were that learning was not only the objective nor skill but the drug to keep you going with the gamed continue playing. I also learned that if the game does not have any patterns or something original in its bone with variables no ones ever seen, the game could flop quickly and can be a boring experience. if a game designer makes a boring game then the player will have the same boring experience playing it just as the designer had a boring time creating it. Finally, I also learned from chapter(3) that games are like educational games with great fundamentals implanted that make a blast to play but you need to go out with high risk, not a lot of limitations, create patterns and puzzles that make the game intriguing, and put the amount of effort and time otherwise the game flops and can be left forgotten and never seen again.