week 2 responses

week 2 responses gd 201 

Get gd 201 digital games prototype 2021


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10 pager section 2-> Game conflict-> "the forest of the damned" is about a boy named Tiff who goes out camping with his sister "Jaylene" on a forest called "forest DINCE" which in France means forest of the damned. They camp there for one night and both fall asleep at a campfire until tiff wakes up and hears something in the trees which he thought was a bear when in reality was a creepy monster with a skull for a face. He gets frightened and wakes up Jaylene and both run until an evil  priest takes Jaylene with shadow powers and tells Tiff if he wants to see her again he must traverse the enormous forest and combat the awaiting fiends and challenges awaiting him within one week or she will be a sacrifice for the evil upcoming ritual in plan for her. With no choice, Tiff must settle out and find his sister before it is too late. Tiff has to traverse the forest and find ways to survive and find his instincts and find clues to where the evil priest may have gone while also having contact with monsters, survivors and evil cult groups and creepy locations awaiting him. Tiff is still a kid and has never been afraid this much but he'll have to overcome or his fears get the better of him leaving him hopeless while his sister is being sacrificed for an evil cult.

10 pager section 1-> GAME MECHANICS

The game mechanics for my game called "THE FOREST OF THE UNFORGIVEN" will involve you as the player to walk on the forest and look around the forest to find some items for your health, sane meter and weapons you use such as ammo, medkits and candy. Make sure to keep an eye on your sane meter because it will fall apart overtime and need to fill it up with medicine you find in the forest to keep you from going crazy. Your sane meter will decrease when you have not used any medicine. You'll be given some time to find through the forest too use when there is trouble near by. When your sane meter goes down you'll be hearing voices and seeing things given you anxiety and later decreasing your health in the process dying by your anxiety. your option will be running from encounters if that happens or if your geared up then it will be no problem with Your other game mechanic; shooting. if there are enemies near by or survivors that you meet the will find you as an enemy if you shoot them on sight or start attacking you at first.  There will also be talking dialogue given you paths and objectives while also trying too ind your sister(the main goal of the game).  It's up to you as the player to help out some strangers you find in the forest or annihilate them and take their stuff for later.  Your last game mechanic  will be exploration with not only finding items for you to equip for your guns, health and sane meter but also secret stuff and goodies for you and for the npc's you meet that will require you to find stuff for them to later help you after depending on whether they attack you or not.  Plus, you can even find more creepy creatures and locations to distract your from the main game's goals.

journal reading 1= The Medium of the video game was about how games need to have a graphical style the pulls the player into having to get into with emotional events in the game, the style that involves theme to have a feel of having passion, follow the main character's view and finding ways to connect. It also connects to similarly with tv watching what's going on and having the audience and build up their feelings on finding ways to relate to certain characters and the stories plot when it gets interesting or when the audience have been reeled in and want to find out more. It also talks about how many games started off with pixels with classic driven themes and gameplay that Most people recognize to this day and how certain themes bring in nostalgia and feel to the player when playing through such as PAC-MAN or DONKEY KONG or Q-BERT, etc.  Games also come from adaptations from other games being recognized for their proper way that makes everybody who played it remembered it as a good game for the its content and remembered for it. With this, it influences other games to follow those ideas and make it their own way while still having to connect to the game they want and know.  Games must also have goals, narrative and interactions to keep the story flowing and having many choices with different dialouge and cutscenes to have re-playability. 

Journal reading 2Hamlet's hit points talks about narrative in gaming on how it must keep emotional  moments,  appeal to keep things interesting and engaging for the player to avoid boredom, have a lot of unique writing and plot with unexpected moments, make improvements on the game to not repeat the same mistakes over and over again otherwise the game can flop and be persistent with your story to have it moving along better. it also talks on how games such as James Bond, Call Of Cthulhu and champions and more had their own unique ideas and works on what made them good not only the narratives and themes but also with the gameplay and atmosphere they were set out to do. I also liked when most games stories to have a good impact must take some elements from RPGS such as final fantasy, persona and Mass effect as examples to create a gratifying driven plot, books from shelves and screenplay together to make it work. I also likes that there are beats involved on certain storytelling with my favorite being ANTICIPATiON where your expecting certain stuff to happen throughout when you understand the plot's narration and expecting it to show up any moment of a promised revelation. Lastly, curves are involved on what makes a good story go up and makes it go down. What goes up is the intro, turning point and development starts off great and interesting. Once those increase the low point must keep itself in the games momentum in order for the finale and plot twist to have a climax that will leave an impact and would eventually be worth it at the very end. Otherwise, the story would go doing  mixed and confusing leaving the plot scramble and uninventful  and cliche without anything going on leaving the plot pointless and forgettable.