week 10-week 12 HW

WEEK 8 assignments 

journal response to reading

Get gd 201 digital games prototype 2021


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LENSES:CHAPTER 27: THIS CHAPTER IN LENSES talks about how the start of designing a game as a developer starts off with who is gonna do what, what's this what's that and disagreements all around on trying to focus on what the game is supposed to be. You have to go back and forth and think and come up with something until everybody on the team agrees and starts the project. As a client, listen, propose the ideas and come up with the next stops after disagreeing and agreeing with the topic then consider what he or she wants and says "yes".

LENSES: CHAPTER 28: THIS CHAPTER IN LENSES talks about about who should you trust and agree on making, publishing, distribute and manage everything from the game to the team behind the project. It deals with negotiating with what's intriguing with the marking of the game by benefiting them but also yourself. Do not let the ego overcome you or it can affect the progress of making the game.  persuasion is involved depending on how much promise  and value ca resonate to the project . The more interest, the more funding. Working a Schedule is involved from the idea or topic of your project is based on, the hourly time to work on it and make sure you get things done before the due date,  know how much your spending and what that money is going for and the copies your distributing and think are gonna sell or financial problems may occur,  and the higher the risk the more chances of getting into disputes but also making the game good.  Do not rely another's nor have a lot of confidence the game is gonna be good if you do not put the effort to do so and have no idea what your doing because all the funds and money including the tools is given to you to make a good game and take advantage of it to make the game stand out. 

Level up chapter 4: 

Chapter 4 in the reading, LEVEL UP,  talks about how making a game comes with the creativity and flow of learning of game design you have learned similar to writing for a play or making a science experiment with the tools you have used and are experienced with. The coolest thing s you have to do a document of the lists of the overview of the game your making from how old you need to be for the game's targeting demographic, bullet points and data to your game's excitement and hype from the mechanics to the story, you need a 10 pager to summarize everything expected coming up for your game coming to release. Outline everything, edit some stuff that you wanna take out or keep and publish the final paper by checking all the gameplay controls, story, setting, theme, level design, enemy design, etc to make sure your game is fully complete and tested or you could get a bad game at release.  you want to keep track of everything you have learned, take feedback, respect others people's thoughts and opinions and impressions to improve better and give a complete full game with no tactics of content locked on the disc nor an unplayable game by giving respect to the gamers and Buyers and you will earn their respect.